A few days ago I had the pleasure of taking some photos of a wonderful family. Mummy, Simona, Daddy, Matteo and little Damiano.
The occasion?
Definitely a special one…The new arrival of a little brother for Damiano, Leandro. We had so much fun on top of the Biscia Mountain. We deliberately chose a quiet place (it is almost impossible to find a little intimacy on the beach in August).
We were alone sorrounded by Mother Nature.
To find out, together, of how many colours love can be made.
To be honest it has been quite an easy job to shoot this amazing family. Every member was willing to play along, to joke… and even to be photographed. Little Damiano has been fantastic, he made everything easier and, obviously, better. I was really impressed by his patience and by how much he was feeling involved with the shooting. A pure act of love.
A shooting can become a funny and joyful moment…all you need is a bit of fantasy and effort!
I will leave you with some photos of this unforgettable day!